The word selfishness has received a bad rap. Especially for women where in many ways’ society has asked them to define their superior womanhood by self sacrifice and ultimately placing themselves on the back burner. Many times, society’s message is that to be that “superwoman” you have to sacrifice yourself for your partner, for your children, for your family. But where do you fit in the equation? If you leave yourself last, then you risk your own health and well being. I am going to get you to look at selfishness differently. Change your perspective. Look at selfishness as necessary self care.
• Learn that Selfishness is not a bad word. Selfishness means that you take care of yourself…body, mind and spirit so that you can be the best version of ourselves
• Learn that changing your language will change your mindset. The conversation that you have with yourself reflects your mindset. You have to consciously change your inner dialogue. If your dialogue is continually negative then you will be stifling your own growth.
• Learn that jumping out of your comfort zone is the key changing the direction of your life. The courage to pivot means jumping out of your comfort zone so that you are able to see other paths for your life and you muster up the courage to no longer settle with being comfortable